6 Tips to Get Help for Mental Health-Based Addictions

Mental health issues and addiction can either form separately or in conjunction with each other. For example, some people experience substance abuse as a coping mechanism for mental health disorders. 

Meanwhile, others may experience mental health issues as a consequence of prolonged substance exposure. Yet, regardless of the reason, there are ways to get help from addiction counsellors.

Mental health and addiction are becoming a growing concern in Canada. The Centre for Addictions and Health reports that youth and young adults (15–24 years old) are increasingly likely to experience mental health-based addictions. Furthermore, 39% of Ontario high school students report moderate to severe psychological distress (depression/anxiety), with 17% experiencing severe distress.

In adults, 50% of individuals experiencing severe mental health problems also have substance abuse issues. Of those with substance abuse disorders, 27% of those abusing alcohol and 53% of drug abusers have one serious mental illness and require the help of addiction counsellors.

When is it time to seek help?

It is not unusual to wonder if your symptoms are typical or if you require treatment since they can range from mild to severe. Where the individual falls within this range can determine if treatment is necessary, and it will also impact the type of treatment received.

Substance abuse can affect both behaviour and the brain. It generates uncontrolled usage despite the person’s knowledge that using them is causing harm. Whether the substance is legal or illegal will not play a role in diagnosing substance abuse. Using alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis all fall under the same category. 

You may need help from addiction counsellors if you:

  • Have an overwhelming compulsion to use the substance and can’t stop.
  • Need more of the substance for the same high.
  • Experience withdrawal when you stop taking the substance.
  • Spend money on the item—even when you can’t afford it.

Several options are available if you are concerned about a loved one or want to receive help for yourself.

Advice for Those Experiencing Mental Health-Based Addiction

Addictions are long-term disorders. It affects not only your day-to-day health, but can result in damaged relationships or death. Treatment successfully assists individuals in recovering from addictions and can help with underlying mental health issues. 

However, even if you aren’t ready for treatment from addiction counsellors, asking someone for help is an excellent choice. 

1. Ask a loved one for help

Asking close family members for help, such as parents, siblings, aunts/uncles, and cousins, can provide a vast network of support in overcoming addiction. Often, they are your biggest supporters on your journey and can assist in holding you accountable and getting help when needed. 

However, please note they may act in several ways. Some may react negatively by expressing shame, anger, confusion, or shock. While this reaction may not be what you hoped for, it doesn’t mean they are necessarily judging you. They may be concerned about your alcohol or drug misuse and how it is affecting your health and behaviour.

While some may show disbelief in your sincerity to receive help, let them know that your goal is to stop substance abuse safely. You can educate them on addictions being a medical condition and not a flaw or weakness that is easily overcome.

Furthermore, your family members may not be surprised when you inform them of your desire for help. They may have already noticed physical or behavioural changes in you.

Even if their initial reaction isn’t what you hoped for, your family may still provide their full support as you attempt to recover. However, if you aren’t comfortable confiding in a family member, other avenues of support are available.

2. Request help from your physician

You can request assistance from your physician. If they are not comfortable discussing treatment and substance use disorders, they can provide a referral. Assistance from addiction specialists and counsellors is available. Addiction specialists are board-certified psychiatrists or doctors who specialize in caring for those dealing with addictions. 

You can ask your addiction specialist or doctor questions like:

  • How can I reduce or stop substance abuse?
  • What is my best form of treatment?
  • Once I receive treatment, how can I avoid a relapse?
  • What community resources are available once I go into recovery?

It is also advisable to receive a checkup from your physician if:

  • You can’t stop using alcohol or drugs.
  • Keep using them despite health concerns.
  • Have participated in risky activities like sharing needles or unprotected/unsafe sex.
  • You think you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms after stopping.

3. Get help from support systems

Friends can provide tremendous support. You can also discuss your issues with trusted professionals like teachers, guidance counsellors, professors, faith leaders, etc. Additionally, there are groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous for support.

Additionally, you can enroll in treatment centres like Metamorphosis Centre for Change, which offers online and hybrid treatments.

Advice for Concerned Friends and Family

Watching a loved one struggle with addiction is one of the most painful things many people experience. There is often a sense of hopelessness as you watch their behaviour morph into someone you barely recognize. However, there are ways to help them.

1. Educate yourself on mental health-based addictions

Coping is easier when you inform yourself about what the person is experiencing. Many resources, such as pamphlets or reputable online websites, can help. You can also search for education sessions.

2. Discuss your concerns with the individual

Talk about your concerns with the individual in a supportive way. Ensure your tone is nonjudgmental and helpful instead of angry or accusatory. Suggest they see their physician or go to a treatment centre. Inquire about referral processes and eligibility surrounding specialized/culture-specific services to best meet their needs.

3. Get support for yourself and family members

Connect with family and friends for help. This can include education sessions or joining support groups. Furthermore, take time out for yourself. Supporting those with substance abuse can be overwhelming. It involves balancing your needs with theirs. Self-care in this situation becomes essential.

Children also need to understand what is occurring. If you have concerns about how they are coping, talk to your doctor. Support may also be available from their school, through a social worker, or a community organization.

Are you ready to take the next step?

If you are ready to take the next step, contact the Metamorphosis Centre for Change at 1-855-888-0212 or fill out our form here. You can discuss your needs with our addiction counsellors to learn what we have to offer and whether your loved one or you are a fit for our mental health and addiction programs.

Once you determine that the Metamorphosis Centre for Change is right for you, we can establish an intake date or begin pre-admission over the phone.

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Brittany BuchanBrittany Buchan
10:49 21 Dec 22
Metamorphosis literally saved my life .I went to the centre completely broken and honestly just done. But after a month of learning and amazing care from all the medical staff and counsellors ( Rick , Vicky, Troy , Jen , Mel , Nicole ) I left a with a new lease on life and I now look forward to living.I wasn’t sure if this place was for me as I suffer from mental illness and not addiction but although most of the focus was on addictions , it’s very applicable to mental health as well and found myself learning a lot.My primary counsellor Rick was amazing , he lifted me up and helped me see my true potential and worth and guided me in tackling some daunting work and was always there for me when I needed , for hims i am so thankful!My secondary counsellor Vicky was another saving grace for me , we shared a lot of similar stories and she was easy to talk to , always made sure that if I had a issue , it was rectified and she’s definitely a huge blessing to me and my recovery !The only negative thing I have to say is the centre is quite disorganized ( managerially , administratively) and I did feel like I was chasing people to try and receive some of the things that were supposed to be part of my treatment there from family therapy to psychiatry . When I did speak to the owners about this it was dealt with in a productive manner and although in my opinion it wasn’t able to be fixed as it was too far gone ; it was sorted out to the best of their ability .Metamorphosis was the first place I have felt safe , heard , valued and supported and everyone there was amazing I would recommend this centre to others who are looking for a place to heal !
Ada WoodsAda Woods
05:44 02 Oct 22
My time at Metamorphosis Centre was unexpectedly beautiful.I've travelled around the world, and I have to say this was the best month of my life. Nothing compares to this experience and the knowledge I gained. If you are on the fence or looking into treatments centres, I promise this is the place for you!I remember making the decision I needed to go to rehab and being terrified based off what movies portray - I'm 25 - so the picture of the movie "Girl Interrupted" played through my mind. Wow, did Metamorphosis prove me wrong. The gentlemen Todd who answered the phone on the other side of Metamorphosis tackled all my questions with empathy and made me feel comfortable with the decision of going there. I was still hesitant but when I walked through the front doors of Metamorphosis a rush of hope came over me and I felt instantly at home. I was greeted with compassion, understanding, and no judgements. That continued for my 30 days there, as well as after I left. I have a new family; the staff, counsellors, owners, and clients that attended alongside me.The program itself gets to the bottom of addiction by exploring how everything starts with the importance of mental health. They focus on how to love and accept yourself despite decisions or experiences we've all had in life. It is accompanied with beautiful walks and swims at the beach, nature hikes, and fun group activities that taught me I can have fun being sober again. I can be myself and be loved for it.Every single counsellor in the building goes above and beyond with their jobs. It is so evident that they truly give their whole heart to every individual that walks through their front doors. I have done therapy consistently for 2 years prior to going. During my first conversation with head counsellor Rick he got to the root of my problems in that one conversation. (I know my mind was blown too.) I will forever be thankful for Rick, he truly changed my outlook on life, and helped re-build the broken relationships I had with my parents. Vicky, the mom of the building, with the biggest heart. She wasn't even my assigned counsellor but she stood by my side and cheered me on while I figured my life out. Nicole, my primary counsellor provided me with tools to overcome my anxiety and panic attacks. She is such a joy to be around, and lights up any room she walks into. I learned more in a month at Metamorphosis Centre than I had doing therapy for 2 years.To Frank and Chris, the owners, thank you SO much for opening up Metamorphosis Centre, and your determination to make it the best centre out there. In my eyes, you have achieved that. I couldn't imagine my life without this place now.
stephanie beedhamstephanie beedham
19:34 11 Aug 22
Metamorphosis changed my life. It is a treatment center that stands above the rest in every aspect of recovery. The treatment is personalized to each individual's struggle and the staff work one on one to provide the best care possible. My counselor Rick is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met. With years of experience and a heart of gold, he challenged me, taught me and encouraged me to face my addiction and overcome a lifetime of trauma. Vicky is a counselor that will go above and beyond for her clients. She is relentless in her pursuit to make your journey successful. Chris and Frank, the owners, make Metamorphosis a place that people can call home during recovery. Their work is not only amazing...it is beautiful and inspiring. I will forever be grateful for the time I spent at this Centre and urge anyone struggling with mental health or addiction to reach out and look no further than Metamorphosis. It is treatment that will make the difference.
Dennis CDennis C
15:34 02 Apr 22
Metamorphosis showed me how to be the best version of my self . The patience and consideration from all the staff is what makes Metamorphosis different from other centre's. The food was fantastic, I enjoyed the kitchen staff so much I would volunteer cleaning dishes. Frank and Chris gave me an opportunity that allowed me to break the cycle of addiction that I will be forever grateful for. My primary counselor Madison , went above and beyond. Secondary counselor Tom was open and friendly , but took my recovery seriously and helped show me the way into better living. I am still in contact with Tom and he continues to support me with the challenges I face in recovery
Melanie BucciMelanie Bucci
21:39 10 Jan 22
I cannot begin to describe how thankful I am for Metamorphosis for helping me get my life back together. I was in a very dark place when I arrived and I did not know what to expect as this was my first (and last) treatment center I have ever been to. Right away I was made to feel comfortable and at home by the staff and the other clients staying at the center. You can tell that the owners, Frank and Chris, truly care about their clients. My primary counsellor, Jen, was absolutely amazing and I am so grateful for her. She understood me right away and gave me the tools I needed to be successful in my recovery, along with the help of the head counsellor, Rick, and the other counsellors at Metamorphosis. The doctors and therapists that they work with are also excellent and extremely knowledgeable. The food they provided was top notch. Thank you, Metamorphosis, for making me live again and not just survive. This center will always hold a special place in my heart.

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